Barely unpacked and with eye boogers still unwiped from the corner of their unrested eyes, the dental crew awoke today at 7 am to prepare the clinic for a busy, busy week of drilling, filling and not billing. The day started with a delicious breakfast cooked by Naman, Barrett and Lindsay. The pancakes were delicious. It's remarkable how certain products, ie Krusteez pancake mix, have penetrated deep into the wildnerness of Guaimaca. I was personally delighted to catch a secret piece of Honduran grown banana stealthfully baked in with love... it made every other piece of banana-barren pancake taste wanting.
... Sorry forgot I wasn't writing for Yelp. Sister Maria had seized the opportunity to test her newly arrived recruits with an impromptu screening of local children. Though cramped for space and unfamiliar with the location of anything in the clinic, we accepted her challenge of screening and scheduling appointments. Of the thirty something kids we screened, there were many with severe, severe decay... we're talking nothing left but a mere shell of tooth or root tips. Fortunately, none of these kids were in pain that merited urgent care. Most kids were then forwarded to Sister Maria for appointments later in the week. We plan to extract severely decayed primary teeth and restore others. We then spent the rest of the day organizing, cleaning and setting up the clinic ready for tomorrow, bright and early. Pictures coming soon.
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